Make sure you are on the list to get notified when the book is ready!! You will also receive a "Free" checklist that will walk you through signs that your elder parent may need more help in the home. 

Knowing how to help an elder parent at home can be both confusing as well as frustrating. We can provide education, resources and consultations to put a plan in place that will put your mind as ease and take away the stress you may be feeling.

Your may be feeling.....


An impact your financial resources as you plan for your own retirement. You may be in unfamiliar territory dealing with their medications, doctor's appointments, health insurance questions, and assisting your parents in making appropriate health care decisions.


You may eventually run out of time to continue to provide their care. You may be faced with memory issues and their safety concerns.


You may live hundreds of miles away. Your family may be at odds because feelings occur that someone might not be pulling their fair share of the care.


Your role may be reversed as you may now be responsible for grocery shopping, running errands and paying their bills.

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